Monday, 2 January 2012

I'm Back

Ahhhh New Years… Ahhh 2012.

2011 is a year which I am not extremely sad is over however, am also not particularly upset it happened. 

2011 was a year of Personal Fears for me… facing some of them, however not all of them.  These fears caused some Personal Uncertainty for me, which has not yet decided to flee, however is closing its gap slowly but surely and forcing myself to learn a lot about what I want out of life. 

2011 was also the year of a New Job, and New Family Members which include a wonderful strong headed little wonder and an amazing women who has inspired me to be better. 

However at the end of the year I can only describe myself as exhausted.  So when Midnight came around I was excited as to what 2012 has to bring… and one of the things is the resurrection of this Project.  With one key change… Month one is Dedicated to Planning the project itself…

It is staying at Authenticity, it really does fit, and the other themes are sticking as well… however they may be moved around and they will be much more planned when they begin.  

Also I am not not so naive to think that I already know what makes me Fabulous… and part of the project is finding out what it is…  I want to be the best Jennifer I can be, and I want to make sure I can see what makes me that as well. 

SO 2012 Bring it on… but please be gentle. 

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